Saturday, October 31, 2009

Don’t Let Your Halloween Turn Into a TRIP HAZARD Nightmare!!

BOO! BE AWARE, TAKE ACTION!!! Don’t Let Your Halloween Turn Into a TRIP HAZARD Nightmare!!

Halloween can be the worst time for trip hazard falls, injury and liability as kids and parents of all ages walk and run onto your dark property eager to receive treats.

Any small to large and irregular surface displacement can be a trip hazard and action should be taken to minimize risk.

Suggestions: Use Halloween decorations as a means to obstruct and slow down foot traffic at sidewalks, driveways, patio, etc.; any walkway path that may pose a trip hazard. For example, Caution Tape over a saw horse or hay bale across the hazards. Use your imagination, for anything that might overt, alert and avoid a trip. Adequate lighting will also help!

Oh yeah, get it fixed as soon as you can ;))

I.D. Property Inspections, Inc. wishes everyone a safe and enjoyable Halloween.